Are you one of the children of the lost tribes of Israel?
Old and New Testaments
Combining the law and gospel of the Old and New Testaments.
Life Without Death
Learn more about the promise of immortality - the redemption of spirit, soul and body.
Historic Roots
Celebrating a continuous presence in Fitzroy, Melbourne since 1851
Our Mission
We are a community of believers who hold firmly to the truth that Jesus Christ is the Messiah .
We live in the hope of being alive at His return, seeking the preservation of our spirit, soul, and body to be made immortal like Him. We embrace the promises made to Israel and the new covenant offered in the Bible, where the law and gospel are united. Over the past 300 years, God has been calling the lost tribes of Israel back into a covenant relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. The Christian Israelite Church continues this work, faithfully carrying forward this prophetic mission.

Our Beliefs
Anchored in Scripture, Guided by Prophecy
Our beliefs are founded on the timeless teachings of the Bible and the prophetic vision that guides our mission. We are dedicated to living a life of faith and obedience, whilst awaiting the return of the Messiah.
Read our Statement of Belief and more, and discover how our unique understanding of scripture shapes our community and purpose.
What's in a Name?
Where does the name ‘Christian Israelite’ originate?
Learn about the origins of the Christian Israelite name and how it differs from Messianic Jew, Christian Zionism and others.

Combining Old and New Testaments
Is the Law of Moses relevant today?
What does the Bible say about combining the Law and Gospel? Do we choose one or both?

Our Journey
The History of the Christian Israelite Church
From English roots, the Christian Israelite Church was established in Melbourne in 1845. The current Sanctuary in Fitzroy was built in 1861 and the site has been in continuous use for worship by members since 1853.
Learn more about the history of the Christian Israelite Church and the history of the Church in Fitzroy, Melbourne.

The New Covenant: A Promise to Israel
Discover how God’s New Covenant with Israel and Judah renews His relationship with His people, offering forgiveness and a deeper connection to His divine law. Click here to learn more about this central promise and its significance in our faith.

The Spiritual vs. Physical Body: Understanding the Difference
Explore the distinction between the spiritual and physical body and what it means for your faith journey. Click here to understand how this dual nature impacts our beliefs and daily lives.

Is Prophecy for Today?
God didn’t stop speaking to us after the Bible. Explore how His messages through prophecy continue to guide and inspire us today. Click here to learn more about the ongoing role of prophecy in our lives.
Curious to Learn More?
Discover the Heart of Our Faith
When can I attend a service at the Church?
Community services are not conducted every week. When a community service is scheduled the details will be available on our website. We welcome visitors each Sunday at 11.30am and are flexible in holding discussions and Bible studies with visitors as needed.
Do Christian Israelites observe the Sabbath?
Christian Israelites observe the commencement of the Sabbath with a private meeting of members on Friday evening (as the Sabbath starts at sunset on Friday evening). Another private service is held on Sunday mornings for members to honour the Christian Sabbath. Exodus 20:8, 10, Matthew 26:40, Mark 14:37.
Do Christian Israelites have an affinity with the land in Israel/Palestine?
Christian Israelites view the land of Israel in the Middle East as significant in Biblical history and prophecy. However, our primary mission is centered on entering the Kingdom of God through a covenant relationship with Jesus Christ, the Messiah. We do not engage in geo-political activities. Our emphasis is on spiritual transformation and redemption of our ‘earthly’ bodies (Genesis 2:7, 1 Corinthians 15:50-54). We eagerly anticipate the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the realisation of the new heaven and new earth as prophesied in the Bible, and the transformation of our bodies to be like His (Isaiah 66:21-22).
Some of your members have long hair and beards, why is that
Some members of the Church have made a personal dedication to the Lord similar to the Nazarite vow taken by Jesus, John the Baptist, Samson and Samuel in the Bible (Numbers 6:1-21). This includes not cutting their hair or beard. The instruction to not shave or cut one’s hair was also a commandment given to the Israelite priests in Leviticus 19:27.
How does prayer fit into your Church service?
During our service we use the Lord’s Prayer which was given by Jesus in Luke 11:2-4 and Matthew 6:9-13. We tend not to use personal prayer in public in response to Jesus command to pray in secret (Matthew 6:6) but rather we use personal prayer as a means of talking personally with God.
Are Christian Israelites Messianic Jews or Christian Jews?
Some members of the Church have Jewish heritage and are believers in Jesus Christ the Messiah. Other members are Christians who may not be aware of Jewish heritage but feel called to be of Israel. Of the twelve tribes of Israel in the Bible, 10 have been scattered and lost their identity as Israelites, whilst the two tribes of Benjamin and Judah retained their identity and are commonly referred to as Jews. As the message of this Church is to the whole twelve tribes of Israel, the term Israel or Israelite is used instead of Jew.
What can I expect at one of your services?
A typical service includes a reading of the Lord’s prayer, Bible readings, singing and a message from one of our preachers. Services are typically 45 minutes in length. We do not take an offering during these services.
Why are there no pictures of people or living things on the your website?
The Christian Israelite Church follows the Biblical commandment found in Exodus 20:4, which instructs believers not to make or display graven images or likenesses of anything in heaven, on earth, or in the waters below. This is interpreted to include images of people and living creatures. We uphold this principle to maintain a focus on spiritual matters and avoid any distractions or potential idolatry. By refraining from displaying such images, we aim to keep our attention directed towards God and the teachings of the Bible.
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Email Enquiry
Send us your questions or share your thoughts via email. We’re here to help and respond to your inquiries promptly.
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Looking for specific information or materials? Request resources directly, and we’ll ensure you receive what you need to enhance your understanding and connection.
Connect by phone
Prefer a personal touch? Give us a call. Our friendly team are available to speak with you and answer any questions.
visit us
We welcome visitors at 11.30am every Sunday. We look forwarding to meeting you.